March 27, 2025

Access is re-opened, these are the Requirements to apply for a Special Tourist Visa (BVK)

With issuing a circular regarding granting Special Tourist Visa (BVK) for tourism for foreign tourists, the government has also opened two airports for international arrivals in Bali and the Riau Islands.

The Applicability of the Special Tourist Visa (BVK)

Sub-Coordinator of Public Relations of the Directorate General of Immigration, Achmad Nur Saleh, urged the visiting tourists to obey all immigration rules and apply health protocols. The issuance of a Special Tourist Visa is expected to boost Indonesian tourism.

Meanwhile, the provision of a Special Tourist Visa (BVK) for Singaporeans who want to visit the Bintan and Batam areas is given in line with the cooperation of the Bintan-Batam-Singapore travel corridor called the Travel Bubble.

Moreover, Achmad stated that the Special Tourist Visa will be carried out by showing an entry sign on the passport, which acts as a Visit Stay Permit (ITK) with 14 days maximum duration and cannot be extended.

Terms of Visit with Visa B211A

Because the revocation of entry restrictions for foreign tourists by the government has been set on January 12, 2022, foreign visitors have been allowed to travel to Bali and the Riau Islands. Of course, the opening of this access is followed by several conditions.

In this regulation, the government requires a Bali tourist visa on arrival and also to have a B211A tourist visit visa with a travel company guarantor, which is not an individual. To apply for this visa, there are several conditions that must be met.

  • Valid passport for at least 6 (six) months ahead.
  • Guarantee letter from the guarantor.
  • Proof of having living expenses for himself and/or his family while staying in Indonesia in the form of a checking account, savings book, or deposit for the past 3 (three) months of either the visitor or the guarantor with a minimum balance equivalent to US$2,000.
  • A return ticket or a one-way ticket to continue traveling to another country.
  • Proof or certificate of complete dose vaccination.

In addition, visitors are also required to show the results of the latest RT-PCR test, proof of having health insurance, and proof of confirmation of accommodation payment. Achmad added that they must also be quarantined based on the provisions of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force.

Barong Dance Performance in Batubulan and Ubud

After arriving in Bali, tourists can visit several tourist destinations in many island areas. One of the main attractions in Bali is its traditional art performance, named the Barong Dance. This dance performance can be watched in two places, Ubud and Batubulan

Barong Dance Bali schedule in Batubulan itself is held every day in three different locations. The show runs from nine to ten in the morning. It’s better to arrive early, so you can choose a seat according to the desired position by spending only 100,000 IDR.

Meanwhile, the Barong Dance performance in Ubud does not take place every day but only four times a week. The following is the schedule for the dance performances and the difference in ticket prices for each day.

Day Location Hours Price of Ticket
Monday Sandi Swara Wantilan 7 pm 75.000 IDR
Wednesday Puri Saren Ubud 7.30 pm 80.000 IDR
Thursday Pura Dalem Ubud 7.30 pm 50.000 IDR
Friday Puri Saren Ubud 7.30 pm 80.000 IDR

As an additional note, the price of tickets for the Barong Dance performance in Ubud can change at any time. And of course, don’t forget to keep following the health protocols while you’re enjoying one of the finest Balinese art forms.

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